In marine equipment, oil changes generally occur in shorter time intervals due to the motors working almost 24 hours a day and often under extreme loads. Kleenoil does not only maintain your motor oil healthier for far longer, but also eliminates wear caused by particles.

Water is one of the main enemies of a hydraulic oil system. The Kleenoil Bypass filtering system eliminates the possibility of having this problem. It also reduces, and in some cases even eliminates, the need for expensive oil changes in hydraulics. Kleenoil filters practically 100% of all wear metals, water and soot in hydraulic oil. All these benefits translate into significant savings in oil changes and parts repair or replacement.

Public transportation
The public transportation and buses industries are faced with many challenges in daily basis. Given the nature of these industries and the constant starting and stopping of the equipment, significant wear on the engines is caused. The use of contaminant free oil is a must! Kleenoil not only keeps the oil as new for far longer, but also extends the life of all engine parts.

Mines working environment is one with high level of contamination, and where ventilation is traditionally low. This can strain even the finest filtration systems. Kleenoil Bypass filter systems will assure your peace of mind, keeping the oil in your mining equipment contamination free 24/7. Your equipment will experience less downtime, greater availability and a significantly longer working life.

Our filtration system helps to prevent the build up of particles that can wear the bearings, rings and cylinder walls of the engines in your truck fleet. Contamination can also contribute to a change in viscosity and waste accumulation on the rings and valves. Because filtration is necessary for the effective protection of your fleet’s engines, it is important to have the best system available.

Oil Field
Drilling equipment oil changes are extremely expensive and downtime means significant losses for the companies in this industry. Kleenoil filter system minimizes the quantity of oil changes necessary for the equipment to perform at its best and extends its working life.

The stopping of logging equipment in order to carry out oil changes means significant financial losses in this industry. Due to the wear in extreme environments and conditions, costly motor repairs and replacements are also necessary. The Kleenoil filter system is the answer this field is looking for, allow us to help maximize the potential of your equipment while you save your company’s money.

Kleenoil offers many options for municipal fleets (fire trucks, garbage trucks, and police vehicles among others). The objective is to prolong the working life of your equipment, minimizing their inactivity and reducing maintenance costs. Kleenoil is an excellent alternative for cities that are also looking to “Protect the Environment.”

The agriculture industry is one that relies heavily on its equipment. It is essential that they work at all times. A lost day due to an equipment failure can mean the difference between harvesting the year’s crop and not being able to. Using Kleenoil filter system is the way to assure you have done everything in your power to keep the oil in your equipment contamination free all the time. Furthermore, all this can be achieved without having to stop using your equipment neither working on your fields.

This equipment benefits from our filter system in the engine as well as in its hydraulics. Its cost is above $100,000 (dollars). The engines and hydraulic systems are under constant wear and losing a unit due to a failure in the engine or the hydraulic system, means extremely high repair costs. Why leave this up to chance? Kleenoil offers 24 hours protection for companies that simply cannot allow themselves any downtime in today´s economy.

As the engine does its work, dirt, wear metal particles, fuel, soot and water weaken the lubrication and protection properties of the oil. These harmful elements can be eliminated with an oil change, but once the change is done, the deterioration process starts all over again. The Kleenoil filter system extends the time between oil changes, minimizing the wear on the engine and extending the working life of your vehicle.

Downtime in construction equipment due to oil changes means significant financial losses in this industry. Many costly engine checking must be carried out given to the wear caused by operating in extreme environments and conditions. Part replacements and repairs are extremely expensive. Optimize the use of your equipment and avoid extra expenses by using our Kleenoil filter system.